Sunday, February 24, 2008

I <3 the history channel

Alright, so today I was watching the History Channel and they had a show on about Nostradamus. Now I know most people dont believe in him and think he was fake, but this show kinda made me think about time and what we have been discussing. Everyone has heard the theories about Nostradamus predicting things that have been happening in our day, like the Holocaust and 9/11. Now my question is, is it possible for someone to see ahead in time? If the whole story of Nostradamus is true, and he did make all these predictions, then that means that all time is already planned out for us, and we do not really control what happens in our time. I'm wondering what everyone else thinks about the possibility of being able to see ahead in time.


Nikki said...

Even if he was right, I think it could have been a lucky guess.

And from what I have heard, he was kind of vague, and wasn't this all translated from another language?

amanda said...

haha yes it was translated...and he mixed many different languages and used a lot of anagrams so that he wouldnt be considered a 'witch' if someone saw the papers...i guess its all a matter of whether or not you believe in him. But youre right, he was very vague. But since then there have been other people who have claimed to be able to see the future, so I'm wondering if this is possible at all.