Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I think that yesterday's class has probably been the most interesting yet. I really liked the discussion we had on limits. I think that people set their own limits based on motivation and confidence. For example, let's look at people who do triathlons. Everyone has the ability to swim, run and ride a bike, but you dont see everyone doing triathlons. This is because they have set limits on how much they think they can do. They dont have the motivation or confidence to be able to exert themselves that much, but its not that they physically cant; they have just limited themselves. I think everyone can do all of the same things to the same degree, so we arent born with limits, we place limits on ourselves. Thats why some people are better at things than other people are. Some people say "I can't draw", but thats only because they put that idea into their own mind. Everyone can draw, its just a matter of how much effort you put into it. If you put a lot into it, then you are going to be able to draw really well. If you dont put a lot into it, and your drawings are horribly, it doesnt mean you were born artistically limited, it just means that you limited yourself. Basically, I believe that we all set limits on ourselves based on what we really want to do, and how hard we wanna push ourselves.

1 comment:

David K. Braden-Johnson said...

We often limit (and promote) ourselves, just as the world (including other people) can both constrain and help to sustain us.