Friday, March 28, 2008

I was thinking about the Paul McCartney quote that Katie brought up about how if slaughterhouses had glass walls that more people would choose not to eat meat. And that makes me wonder if the people that work inside these places have been affected by what they see. Because this is something that they have to see everyday for hours at a time. We've all seen movies about animals being slaughtered and that does change some peoples views but not many. I think seeing it in real life would convert many more people to vegetarianism, myself included.

I have included some pictures I found about what goes on inside the slaughterhouses...I'm warning you that they are very graphic so dont look at them if you cant handle stuff like that.

I dont really have much else to say on the matter, I am still in favor of meat-eating...but I do agree that what these animals go through isnt very nice.

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