Sunday, March 9, 2008

I'm not good at the whole title thing...

So today I was reading the whole atheism/agnosticism thing and I decided to ask some of my friends what their opinions were on which is better, and one of my friends told me that Agnostics are "baby Atheists". This was kinda amusing to me because I always thought they were two different things. But the way that she explained it to me was "Agnostics are Atheists who don't have the balls to actually stand up for anything"...and I kinda thought that was stupid. I think the difference between the two has nothing to do with balls, I think its just that Agnostics are more hopeful people; they dont know if God really exists, but theyre not gonna completely say he doesnt...because no one really knows, and theyre willing to accept that. They dont feel like they have to have complete knowledge one way or the other. They accept that they dont know everything. And I think that takes more balls then just saying something definitely doesnt exist without having proof of it.


David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Right; I don't think this discussion has anything to do with male genitalia.

Specific Relativity said...

One can not know everything and be an atheist, I think. And I think it more reasonable for an atheist to be willing to accept they don't have complete knowledge in the direction of a nonexistent god (and hopefully one would be a reasonable atheist).