Saturday, May 3, 2008

Book Review

For everyone who was interested in the topic of meat-eating and vegetarianism, you should read the book Food for Thought: The Debate over Eating Meat by Steve F. Sapontzis.

It's a book of 29 essays by different people and it deals with a ton of different topics all centered around meat eating. The topics were: A Controversy with a Long Past, What Anthropology and Medicine Have to Tell Us about Eating Meat, The Recent Philosophical Debate over the Moral Status of Animals and its Implications for Our Diet, Traditional and Contemporary Religious Teachings about Our Relation to Animals, The Feminist Debate over the Relation between the Treatment of Animals and of Women, The Environmental Debate over Respecting Predatory Nature and Protecting Animals, and Which is More Important, Respecting Cultural Diversity or Protecting Animals?

It was pretty cool because each section had 3-4 essays that dealt with all of the different views of each topic.

It was pretty interesting so check it out.

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