Sunday, April 27, 2008

Everyone loves music

"Many definitions of music implicitly hold that music is a communicative activity which conveys to the listener moods, emotions, thoughts, impressions, or philosophical, sexual, or political concepts or positions."

I really liked this quote from the wikipedia article about music. I believe that that is how many of us see music today.

When we are feeling a certain mood, we go and find music that relates to our mood, or music that can change our mood. Say someone is feeling sad, they can either listen to sad, mopey music that relates to their mood, or they can put on some upbeat music to try and change their mood.

Music is a language because everyone listens to it and everyone relates to it. Take for example the fact that everyone uses song lyrics in their away messages. There's always a song that is able to say just what you're feeling and that's why music has become a language to us.

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