Sunday, March 16, 2008

In class the other day someone, I'm sorry I cant remember who, asked the question, " Is religion just rationalizing so that we dont have to deal with the bad in life?" and the example they used is that when someone dies, people always say things like, "Oh, well God took her" or "Shes up in Heaven now". And I guess, when looked at that way, it does seem that we use God and Heaven as a way to make things seem better than they really are.

It's the same concept as how people believe that everything happens for a reason. You only say that when something bad happens in hopes that something good will come out of it. It doesnt seem as bad when you tell yourself that God made it happen or that theres a good reason why it happened.

And maybe that is all religion is....its just something that makes you feel better when you have problems. Whether youre blaming your problems on religion "God did this", or youre looking to this higher power to solve your problems for you.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I am pretty sure that that was me. And I thought about it some more, and talked to my formerly Catholic friend. So I discovered that I may be wrong. Her family stopped going to church and stopped believing when someone died. So I don't know...I think that religion was originally created to help deal with the horrors of life, but I think that it may be falling out of favor...